(abstract from AIT Myanmar trip report prepared by Wit Hmone Tin Latt, intERLab/AIT)
Two coordinators from Asian Institute of Technology visited Yangon, Myanmar on 30th May, and reported back that DUMBO is now scheduled to be launched on 15 June 2008.
Five Townships will be connected and communicated through IPStar satellite link. Myanmar Egress (ME) has managed to secure 6 IPStar Stations for deploying DUMBO into five hardest-hit areas such as Bogalay, Phyar Pon, Dedaye and Laputta which will have another sub-station either in Malamyaing Gyun or Pyinsalu, whereas the headquarter or the command and control center will be stationed at the ME Head office in Yangon. Sahana registry server will be kept in the Myanmar Teleport. ME will open a resource center which acts as a venue for all relief organizations and the local NGOs to communicate instantly in the mode of video conferencing, text messaging and VoIP etc. with their field offices in disaster areas through DUMBO system.
Continue reading DUMBO Starts up on June 15th →

(photo courtesy of LJM Buddhist Society / Museum of World Religions)
請進一步參閱此簡報檔(PDF, 17.9MB), 了解您如何來幫助生活在緬甸災區的孩子.
While Relief.Asia is being setup as a platform to drive donation and awarness for people in Myanmar (Burma) after Cyclone Nargis, we also know that rescue work can't wait.
So here's a little idea that gets us started. (update: you can also join our facebook group )
After a week of coordination and consense building in the Internet community in Asia, along with timely support from Mandarin Airlines and Museum of World Religions , on the early morning of May 16th, 2008, Relief.Asia will deliver a number of EeePC to Myanmar to support a local NGO Myanmar Egress. Thanks to intERLab of Asian Institue of Technology and APNIC for making this happened. We start with a number of units first, and are committing to support / donate more when needed.
Continue reading EeePC for Myanmar →
Asia's Innovation & Technology-Driven Platform for Disaster Relief Management